Background: This knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) survey will provide baseline data and identify gaps that may facilitate understanding and further action to plan, implement, and evaluate practice toward 3D-printing technology among dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia. Aims and objectives: The present study aims to assess dental practitioners' self-reported knowledge, attitude, and practice of 3D printing in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: A cross-sectional, closed-ended questionnaire of registered dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia was conducted. A sample size of 156 was considered for analysis. After obtaining approval from the Institutional Review Board, Riyadh Elm University, the research was conducted during the month of April 2022 amongst 154 registered dental practitioners. The research was distributed among dental health specialists either working in dental colleges, dental clinics, or both in government as well as private settings. Dentists who were not actively involved in 31) printing were excluded. SPSS software, version 25.0, (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY) was used to analyze the data. Results and conclusion: Of all dentists included in the study, 98% were found to be aware that 3D printing in dentistry is used in Saudi Arabia and 2 % were not aware of its usage in Saudi Arabia. In total, 78.60% of the dentists felt that 3D-printed implant guides made the placement of implants the most accurate and least complicated procedure, and 21.40% of the dentists felt it was the least accurate and most complicated procedure.