The aim of our research was to study the socio-psychological characteristics of personality with a strong need to control oneself and others. The subject of the study was the intensity of the need to control oneself and others, and its connection to the other social needs, self-attitude parameters of the person, focus and level of the subjective control of the person. Hypotheses of the research: We suggested that intensity of the need to control oneself and others can be interconnected with a number of socio-psychological characteristics of the personality: affiliated tendency and sensitivity to rejection, achievement motivation, socio-psychological needs, degree of internal proneness to conflict, subjective control level, intensity of various parameters of personality self-attitude. Research Methods: 1. Interpersonal relations questionnaire by W. Schutz (FIRO), adapted by A.A. Rukavishnikov (1992). 2. Personality self-attitude methodology by S.R. Pantileeva. 3. Orientation profile "Determination of personality focus" B. Bass (1967). 4. Affiliated tendency and sensitivity to rejection questionnaire by A. Mehrabian (adaptation of M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov). 5. Achievement motivation questionnaire by A. Mehrabian (modification of M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov). 6. Subjective Control Level technique by E.F. Bazhina, E.A. Golynkina, L.M. Etkind. Research subjects: 136 people, 72 men and 64 women, aged between 17 and 35. Results of research: Socio-psychological portrait of personality with a strong need to control oneself and others includes the following characteristics: need for avoidance of control from other people; strong need for social interest from others, expectation that others will include him in their social groups and activities, low internal proneness to conflicts, "self-leadership" (accountability, predictability, subordination of self to self), internality in the area of the interpersonal relationships. Personality with a strong dependency need (for control by other people) is characterized by the intensely strong need for love, has reduced scores on a scale of "self-affection" (dissatisfaction with oneself) internality in the health sphere. Conclusions: The research analyzes the intensity level of the need for control as a criterion for the identification of the controlling personality type in social psychology. A theoretical model of the controlling personality is suggested and it was empirically tested on the samples of the caring professions representatives. The article presents the results of the study of the socio-psychological needs for control and dependence on the sample that is not connected with the caring professions; gender analysis of the studied needs, socio-psychological portrait of the personality with a strong need to control oneself and others is compiled.