The lowest frequency parallel fundamental band v(5) of CH3CD3 near 900 cm(-1) has been measured at low temperature with a resolution of 0.002 cm(-1) using Fourier transform spectroscopy. The band is weak and an absorption path of 60 m was used. Large torsional splittings due to inter-vibrational coupling have been observed. Building on previous studies of the torsional levels in the ground vibrational state and in the methyl rocking state v(12), a three-band analysis including these most recent data have been completed. The combined data set of almost 2700 frequencies was fitted to within experimental accuracy using a 45-term model Hamiltonian. The results were found to bear a striking resemblance in most respects to those of an earlier, analogous study of CH3SiH3. In addition to the interactions described in that work, however, the present study indicates an important but local coupling between the (v(5) = 1, v(6) = 0) and (v(12) = 1, v(6) = 1) states of CH3CD3. This coupling has a strong effect on the K = 7 lines of the v(5) band, which have been successfully assigned and fitted, here. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bhabha Atom Res Ctr, High Pressure Phys Div, Bombay 400085, Maharashtra, IndiaBhabha Atom Res Ctr, High Pressure Phys Div, Bombay 400085, Maharashtra, India