Holistic management is becoming a more up-to-date management trend in a globalized world. We can even say that there has already been another school of management, which is still of increasing importance. The internal classification is divided into professional competence, practical skills and social maturity. Particularly in healthcare organizations, social maturity is still a more competitive advantage in today's globalized environment. The main aim of the paper is to present the classification of the social maturity pillar within the framework of holistic management and to emphasize the importance of social maturity in healthcare organizations. To do this, a survey was carried out by 176 healthcare professionals from various healthcare organizations. The results of the research will be divided according to the internal division, namely on character, will, cognitive and creative qualities, temperament, emotional, somatic-bodily and somatic-mental properties. These eight components of social maturity will be ranked according to importance. Research results indicate the main areas for further development of social maturity in health organizations. The author assumes the importance of the pillar as a key element of the competitiveness of healthcare organizations in a globalized world. It will be necessary to specify these identified areas for staffing of interpersonal, information, decision and administrative roles. The results of the research will be formulated in such a way as to respect the basic rules of management functions, namely efficiency, effectiveness, economy and equity.