Background: In conventional agriculture, expensive phosphatic fertilizers were applied in huge quantities to reduce phosphorus deficiency in mungbean. Disproportionate application of these chemical fertilizers over long periods has damaged the natural properties of soils by killing soil micro flora and fauna, leading to reduced agricultural production. Sustainable agriculture based on organics and biological fertilizers is an effective solution for overcoming these problems. Therefore, keeping the above information in view, the present study was undertaken to assess the effect of PROM and microbial inoculants on the growth and yield of mungbean. Methods: In this field-laboratory experiment which was conducted at agronomy farm of Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner, during Kharif season of 2019, 12 treatments involving control, PROM, PSB, VAM, Pseudomonas fluorescens (PF) and their respective combinations were included which was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The collected samples were determined for growth and yield attributes in the field and laboratory. Result: The results showed that combined application of PROM+PSB+VAM+PF reported the maximum values of most of the growth and yield attributing characters i.e. plant height, number of branches/plant, dry matter accumulation, total and effective number of root nodules per plant, fresh and dry weight of nodules per plant, crop growth rate, chlorophyll content, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, test weight, seed, straw and biological yield of mungbean as compared to other combinations and control, but it was at par with PROM+PSB+VAM.