In the present investigation, heterotic effects were studied over mid parent and better parent values for yield and its components in an 8 parental diallel involving 5 exotic and 3 local mungbean genotypes. Hybrids were evaluated alongwith their parents in the field of National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. High level of hybrid vigour was observed for plant height, number of pods per plant and grain yield per plant. Considering overall performance, the superior F(1)s were NM 51 x VC 3902, NM 51 x VC 4982, NM 20-21 x VC 1163, NM 51 x VC 3301 and VC 3301 x VC 1163 that revealed strong heterotic effects for number of pods per plant, number of grain per pod and grain yield per plant. These hybrids are, therefore, suggested to be utilized for developing high yielding mungbean cultivars.