Background: The Uganda Government, together with development partners, has provided continuing support services (including protection, food, nutrition, healthcare, water and sanitation) to refugee-hosting Districts to successfully manage refugees from different neighbouring countries in established settlements. This service has increased the need for timely and accurate information to facilitate planning, resource allocation and decision-making. Complexity in providing effective public health interventions in refugee settings coupled with increased funding requirements has created demands for better data and improved accountability. Health data management in refugee settings is faced with several information gaps that require harmonisation of the Ugandan National Health Management Information System (UHMIS) and United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) Refugee Health Information System (RHIS). This article discusses the rationale for harmonisation of the UNHCR RHIS, which currently captures refugee data, with the UHMIS. It also provides insights into how refugee health data management can be harmonised within a country's national health management information system. Method: A consultative meeting with various stakeholders, including the Ugandan Ministry of Health, district health teams, representatives from UNHCR, the United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF), United States Government and civil society organisations, was held with an aim to review the UHMIS and UNHCR RHIS health data management systems and identify ways to harmonise the two to achieve an integrated system for monitoring health service delivery in Uganda. Results: Several challenges facing refugee-hosting district health teams with regard to health data management were identified, including data collection, analysis and reporting. There was unanimous agreement to prioritise an integrated data management system and harmonisation of national refugee stakeholder data requirements, guided by key recommendations developed at the meeting. Conclusion: This article outlines a proposed model that can be used to harmonise the UNHCR RHIS with the UHMIS. The national refugee stakeholder data requirements have been harmonised, and Uganda looks forward to achieving better health data quality through a more comprehensive national UHMIS to inform policy planning and evidence-based decision-making.