Now in these days Community buildings containing floating column in addition to shear wall is typically featured in modern era of leveled storey construction in areas of urban India. Earthquakes which are occurred in recent and past days indicates that, if construction and designing the structures are not done properly with required quality and quantity it may leads to heavy loss and also destruction of structures. Building with these components are not highly recommended, which was built in areas where seismically active in nature. This is the case that came up to provide safety against seismic forces of all high rise modals. Hence, it is important to know the seismic responses of such constructed modal for designing earthquake resistant building by carrying seismic analysis of the structure. This paper definitely highlight's the importance on addition of Floating Column and also the Presence of shear wall in Community building. And some of the Alternate measures are also having stiffness balance of the storey-1(FL-1) and upper storey's, are said to bring down the irregularities in the proposed building structure. Of all techniques Time history investigation is taken as essential for primary Seismic Examination, mostly when the determined underlying reaction is nonlinear.. The current task on dynamic analysis of G + 9 multi-storeyed RCC building considering for Bhuj Earthquake of January 26, 2001is completed by time history investigation. Reaction range examination and all reactions on seismic of suchlike local area building are relatively examined and demonstrating finished with the assistance of ETABS (18.0.2) programming [6-8]. The Floor displacement, Base shear, Inter storey drift are measured for a review on both the building with presence of floating column and building with absence of floating column. Here, in this analysis we considered 3 different cases and to sum up, compared the obtained outcome in both the Time History method and also in Response Spectrum Method. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Conference on Sustainable materials, Manufacturing and Renewable Technologies 2021.