Loquat species (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) originated in China, later was introduced in Japan. However, introduction in Europe occurred much later, in 18th century, it was introduced as an ornamental tree. Since then, the species was very well adapted to the Mediterranean climate, mainly in South East of Spain, where is located more than 50% of total European crop production. A European Project titled 'Conservation, evaluation and collection of underutilized fruit species' supported surveys and collection of plant material from these species in the Mediterranean basin countries. One of these surveys resulted in a germplasm collection of loquat established at IVIA, Valencia, Spain. This collection is being extended with new accessions collected across the world, currently the collection have 123 accessions under study. Germplasm management needs first a characterization of the plant material introduced and second diversity studies into the collection that could point out the variability pattern, to establish groups of accessions with similar traits and the most significant variables. These results allow organizing the information gathered for further uses. In this paper, 62 accessions from the IVIA germplasm collection were studied. Results from 43 variables were gathered and data studied by multivariate analysis. The analysis allowed summarizing the data tables with new variables containing most of the information. These results along with those obtained in the coming years will allow define a nuclear collection (minimum number of accessions that contained all the variability present in the collection).