BACKGROUND: Poultry activity exposes workers to accidents and unhealthy conditions with physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological risks. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to list risk factors in poultry farms in operational, behavioral, and environmental aspects. METHODS: We evaluated poultry farm workers through quantitative and qualitative analysis applying a semi-structured online questionnaire containing 58 questions to identify risks in the workplace and health implications. RESULTS: Most facilities were air-conditioned, workers performed their activities in a totally closed environment, with low light (1 to 10 lux), for more than 40 h/wk. Regarding accidents, 61% of workers claimed to have suffered some type of accident, 34% claimed to not use personal protection equipment, and 41% felt unable to perform their activities at some time due to health problems; handling animals and animal waste were the most significant biological risks; dust and ammonia corresponded to the most significant chemical risks; and electric shock, burns, and heat exposure were the most significant physical/accident risks. CONCLUSIONS: Workers expose themselves daily to physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, and ergonomic risks. These exposures often lead to symptoms such as stress, headache, eye and mucous membrane disorders, respiratory diseases, back and muscle pain, depression, and symptoms often associated with Sick Building Syndrome.