An inevitable problem challenges heat exchanger designers is that the heat transfer augmentation in a thermal system is always achieved at the expense of an increase in pressure loss. Thus, the optimal trade-off by choosing the most proper configuration and best flow condition has become the critical problem for design work. The brief survey on literature shows that optimal Reynolds number (i.e. the Reynolds number which corresponds to minimum entropy generation) of laminar forced convection in a helical tube, was specified based on minimum entropy generation. Therefore, the present study analyzes the thermodynamic potential of improvement for steady, laminar, fully developed, forced convection in a helical coiled tube subjected to uniform wall temperature based on the concept of avoidable and unavoidable exergy destruction. The influence of coil curvature ratio, dimensionless inlet temperature difference, dimensionless passage length of the coil, and fluid properties on avoidable exergy destruction have been investigated for water as working fluid. Results show considerable potential of thermodynamic optimization of helical coil tubes. Also, in the range of present study a relation for determining the amount of