The aim of this study was to analyse pathomorphological findings after treatment with laser induced tumor thermotherapy (LITT) on liver tissue and to correlate the results with magnetic resonance imaging. LITT was performed ex vivo and in vivo using a Neodym-YAG-Laser. Lesions were monitored by MR-thermometry ex vivo and by contrast-enhanced MRI in vivo. After LITT the lesions were examined macroscopically, histologically,and electronmicrosopically. LITT-induced tissue damage was qualitatively evaluated, classified, and quantified by means of digital image analysis. Four different zones of tissue damage were identified within the lesions. Adjacent to the applicator the tissue was completely ablated while more peripheral lesions exhibited only sublethal cell damages seen by EM. In vivo the pattern of tissue injury followed the lobular architecture of the liver tissue. Ultrastructural examination revealed only in areas of minor tissue injury intact sinusoidal patterns. MRI overestimated the diameter of the core zone of complete tissue ablation both ex vivo and to a lesser extent in vivo.