Our society faces simultaneous disasters. In the midst of the pandemic, floods, landslides, and forest fires are a reality for millions of Brazilians. On the basis of references of critical environmental education and risk society, the aim of this work was to analyze the profile of schools and the approaches in Educaccio em Reduccio de Riscos e Desastres (DRRE) [Disaster Risk Reduction Education] adopted in 127 practices registered in the Campaign #AprenderParaPrevenir. DRRE practices were developed mainly in public schools and in all stages of teaching. In order to better characterize these practices, we created a DRRE mandala that presents the didactic modalities and resources adopted in five perspectives of approaches, namely: Expository, Communicative, Experiential, Investigative, and Citizen engagement. In order to educate in societies of risks and disasters, we present some reflections: i) to denaturalize disasters and understand them as a social and cultural construction; ii) to build critical and resilient societies, capable of dealing with life's uncertainties; iii) to adopt a local perspective; iv) to recognize schools as knowledge producers. Learning communities in DRRE established among schools, civil defenses and universities provide learning for all; particularly in this recent and challenging theme in the school context, which has demanded from teachers the production of new pedagogical practices and collaborative efforts among education, generations, and institutions.