These days one of the real problems that cause the prejudice economic in animal farms yearly is parasitic diseases. For that reason to prevent these problems the use of antiparasitic drugs is necessary. Ivermectin is a broad spectrum antiparasitic agent and different dosage forms such as injection, oral and pour-on used. The aims of this study were evaluation of the efficacy of ivermectin pour-on administration against natural dictyocaulus viviparous nematode infections in cattle and also determine the prevalence rate of this parasite in Tabriz area. In this study in 120 heads of male and female hybrid cattle were carried out LPG (larves per gram of feces) feces test. Willis method was applied for feces test and Stoll method was used for counting nematode larves (LPG). After confirm worm contamination and counting dictyocaulus viviparous nematode larves in feces in infected animals, ivermectin (0.5 mg kg(-1)) pour-on was administrated, Feces test was repeated in 1, 7, 21 and 28 day after treatment. Results showed that total prevalence of dictyocaulus viviparous nematode infections was 5% cattle's of Tabriz area. The effects of ivermectin pour-on on dictyocaulus viviparous nematode were 42.18, 54.68, 90.62 and 99.21% in 1, 7, 21 and 28 day, respectively. In conclusion because the effect of this drug against dictyocaulus viviparous nematode was >99% (p<0.05) so in cattle can use this drug in antiparasitic program. Of course the effect of this drug on other nematodes and parasitic infections are needed to be more investigated.