Objective The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship among subjective illness impact, subjective well-being, and psoriasis severity as assessed by dermatologists. Furthermore, subjective well-being of psoriasis patients was compared to available norm data. Methods Fifty-nine psoriasis patients participated in this study. The following measures were administered: (a) the Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure - Revised (PRISM-R), yielding Self-Illness Separation (SIS), and Illness Perception Measure (IPM); (b) subjective health status; (c) life satisfaction, and (d) psychological well-being. In addition, the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) was determined by dermatologists. Results Psoriasis patients scored significantly below the norm data on subjective health status and psychological well-being. No differences were found concerning life satisfaction. PASI failed to correlate significantly with any of the disease impact and subjective health measures. Neither did SIS correlate significantly with any of the subjective health measures, whereas IPM was negatively associated with subjective health status, life satisfaction, and psychologic well-being. In a regression analysis with PASI as the dependent measures, none of the subjective health measures showed up as a relevant predictor. Conclusion In comparison with the norm data, psoriasis patients report less subjective health status and well-being whereas their life satisfaction is not affected. There is no clear association among illness impact, subjective well-being, and illness severity as assessed by dermatologists.