Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) activity depends on gender, age and physiological status suggesting that estrogen may regulate COMT activity. In fact, estrogens down-regulate the function of COMT promoters in cell cultures. On the other hand, COMT may play an important role in estrogen-induced cancers due to its ability to inactivate estrogen metabolites and thereby lowering the levels of these potential carcinogens. In this study, we explored the effect of estrogen on COMT activity in vivo in rats. Male and female Wistar rats received 14-day treatments with either estradiol (100 mu g/kg/day; s.c.) or tamoxifen (500 mu g/kg/day; s.c.), respectively; in addition ovariectomized rats were studied. COMT activity and COMT protein expression were measured from various brain-and peripheral tissues. Although we found a regulatory function of estrogen, its effects were sex and tissue dependent. Antagonizing the effects of estrogen via tamoxifen increased COMT protein expression in several central and peripheral tissues. However, amounts of COMT protein and COMT activities did not always match. Generally, COMT activities were quite resistant to the effects of tamoxifen and estradiol. Estradiol, unexpectedly, doubled the amount of COMT protein in the prostate but exhibited down-regulatory function in the prefrontal cortex and kidneys. Ovariectomy by itself, however, had only minor effects on COMT activity and expression. It is noteworthy that the estrogen down-regulation and tamoxifen up-regulation of COMT were best substantiated in the prefrontal cortex and kidneys where COMT is physiologically important for dopamine metabolism.