Our scientific approach aims to capture the current state of the conceptual and methodological approaches regarding the social economy and the representative organizations of this sector, which has become increasingly clear in recent years, in order to propose a new model of social economy enterprise adapted to Romanian local communities, but not limited to this geographical area. The main objective of our work-paper was to prefigure a new model of the social economy enterprise using alternatives offered by the behaviour of seemingly tiny creatures but with a great solidarity. At first quick look the rules of behaviour that these creatures seem to strictly mathematically respect, appeared to be similar to the values promoted, in the human society by the social economy (solidarity, responsibility, communion of interests, autonomous management etc.). The answers to the questions we made themselves was outlined in successive stages we have undergone in our research, respectively: (1) identifying approaches to the current state of the social economy and current approaches regarding to the management of social economy enterprises; (2) identifying the degree of knowledge of the social economy in Romania; (3) deepening and nuance of the results of the research, by the content analyse of the registered responses to a questionnaire, that target above all the areas that define the individual-community relationship; (4) the elaboration of a conceptual model of the social economy enterprise as a network of people and relationships, having as inspiration the model of organizing bee life in the hive; (5) designing the mathematical model of the social economy enterprise, type honeycomb network and its benefits.