共 50 条
A psychometric evaluation of the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire-Adult in smokers with psychiatric conditions
Buckley, TC
Kamholz, BW
Mozley, SL
Gulliver, SB
Holohan, DR
Helstrom, AW
Walsh, K
Morissette, SB
Kassel, JD
[1] VA Boston Healthcare Syst, Natl Ctr PTSD, Boston, MA 02131 USA
[2] Boston Univ, Sch Med, Boston, MA 02215 USA
[3] VA Med Ctr, Salem, VA USA
[4] Univ Illinois, Chicago, IL USA
D O I:
R194 [卫生标准、卫生检查、医药管理];
Rates of smoking among individuals with psychiatric conditions are much greater than those seen in the general population, yet little is known about the psychometric properties of commonly used instruments that assess smoking-related variables among smokers with psychiatric conditions. The present study examined the factor structure and psychometric characteristics of the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire-Adult (SCQ-A; Copeland, Brandon, & Quinn, 1995, Psychological Assessment, 7, 484-494) among smokers with psychiatric conditions. A confirmatory factor analysis of the instrument indicated that the factor structure derived by the instrument's authors provided an adequate fit to the data. In addition, many of the 10 subscales of the SCQ-A demonstrated adequate internal consistency as assessed by Cronbach's alpha as well as adequate test-retest reliability over the course of I week. Based on the data derived from this sample, the SCQ-A has adequate psychometric properties for applications involving smokers with psychiatric conditions.
页码:739 / 745