Objectives: To determine the preoperative and postoperative correlation of histopathological findings in cases of endometrial hyperplasia. Material and Methods: One hundred and three patients with endometrial hyperplasia detected by surgical curettage performed due to various gynecologic pathologies were treated by hysterectomy. We compared retrospectively the histopathological diagnoses found on curettage with those found on hysterectomy specimens. The classification scheme endorsed by the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists was used to classify the endometrial hyperplasia. The histologic findings found on the endometrial tissue of curettage specimens were correlated with those from hysterectomy specimens. Histopathologic evaluation was performed by a single skilled gynecologic pathologist. Results: A total number of 103 women -76 (73.8%) premenopausal and 27 (26.2%) postmenopausal - were determined to have endometrial hyperplasia on histopathological evaluation of endometrial tissues obtained by endometrial curettage performed for evaluation of various bleeding abnormalities. These included 94 patients with simple hyperplasia without atypia (91.3%), two patients with simple hyperplasia with atypia (1.9%), five patients with complex hyperplasia without atypia (4.9%), and two patients with complex hyperplasia with atypia (1.9%). Histopathological evaluation of endometrial tissue obtained from hysterectomy specimens (of patients diagnosed with hyperplasia on curettage) revealed a total number of 65 cases (63.1%) with endometrial hyperplasia, and 38 cases (36.9%) with various histopathological findings. The correlation between preoperative and postoperative endometrial histologic findings was found to be statistically insignificant (r = 0.105, p = 0.29). Among 94 patients who were found to have simple hyperplasia without atypia on curettage specimens, 55.3%, were found to have simple hyperplasia without atypia, 1.1% simple hyperplasia with atypia, 5.3% complex hyperplasia without atypia, 9.6% secretory endometrium, 4.3% proliferative endometrium, 21.3% disorganized proliferative endometrium, 1.1% corpus luteum persistency, 1.1% basal endometrium, and 1.1% endometrium cancer on final hysterectomy specimens. Conclusion: Postoperative diagnosis of endometrial pathology might be different from that of preoperative especially in cases with simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia.