In industrialized nations, arthrosis is one of the most frequent causes of physical disability and impaired quality of life in older people. There are still no direct and curative therapies. In addition, the causative mechanisms of this disease have not been sufficiently deciphered and investigated so far. For the present article, publications from 1900-2013 in the ISI Web of Science were reviewed. Quantitative and qualitative aspects are taken into account and are examined based on scientometric analysis methods. The illustrations demonstrate the global structure of the research and citation activity by Density Equalizing Map Projection. In addition, the radar charts illustrate the bi- and multilateral research and institutional cooperation. On the basis of the search criteria, a total of 46,212 publications were identified. Approximately 95 % of the publications date back to the last 25 years. In addition to the number of publications, the number of citations has increased continuously. The analysis of the country collaborations as well as the number of institutions indicates a predominance of the United States. Most articles about arthrosis concern the subject areas of rheumatology, orthopedics, and surgery. This study provides the first comprehensive, scientometric findings and illustrates corresponding representations of research activities, geographical contexts as well as research cooperation. It shows a great scientific interest, especially by North American and European scientists. The steady growth of research is explained by the high prevalence of arthrosis.