The key step in the Wiener-Hopf technique involves the factorization of a kernel function K (alpha), analytic in a strip D, into a product K+(alpha )K-(alpha), where K+/-(alpha) are analytic in upper and lower halves R+/- of the complex alpha -plane overlapping in the strip D, are free of zeros in R+/- and have algebraic behaviour at infinity therein. Attention here is restricted to scalar kernels, for which explicit representations of the factors K+/-(alpha) can be given in terms of Cauchy integrals. In many cases of interest, however, K drop K (alpha, epsilon), where epsilon is a parameter taking small values. The issue is how to obtain useful approximate expressions for the factors K+/-(alpha, epsilon) holding in all parts of R+/- of interest, as epsilon --> 0. Limited exact results are known, due to Kranzer and Radlow, but the general issue remains open. It is proposed here that the method of matched asymptotic expansions (MAE) provides a general and essentially optimal approach to this issue. The strip D is divided into the relevant number of asymptotically distinct but overlapping domains, and in each of these K (alpha, epsilon) is appropriately approximated to leading order as epsilon --> 0. Then a multiplicative composite is formed, approximating K (alpha, epsilon) uniformly in D. This composite comprises several relatively simple factors in typical applications, and these factors are then decomposed into their WH factors by standard WH techniques such as the use of infinite products and Cauchy integrals. The power of this approach is demonstrated by formal applications to a number of WH kernels arising in wave theory problems. Explicit asymptotic formulae are derived, even for quite complicated kernels K (alpha, epsilon), in the asymptotic limit epsilon --> 0. The formal steps suggest ways in which, in any particular case, the process advocated could be made rigorous. It is also shown, for two particular but broadly illustrative examples, how higher order corrections can be completely calculated by MAE; the (limited) results of Kranzer and Radlow are recovered, and are supplemented by the construction of equally important terms not provided by Kranzer and Radlow, including expressions for the WH factors valid at infinity. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.