Nowadays the agro-industry activities have not only focused its direction to the production increasing, but also, to the environmental preservation. The swine production is amo doubt, an activity, which can be considered, one of the most pollutants, mainly in the Minas Gerais State (BRAZIL). Therefore, this research aimed at developing and operating an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB), followed by an Aerobic Facultative Pound (AFP) (Lab-Scale), with the objective of treating the liquid effluent originated from swine with the maximum efficiency and lower costs. The experiment was carried out in the Laboratory of Water Analysis of the Engineering Department of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The system was assembled with an Acidification Equalization Tank (AET), an UASB reactor and an Aerobic Facultative Pound (AFP) for polishing the UASB effluent. The physical-chemical analysis carried out through out the experiment, were: pH, BOD5, CODT, Total Solids, Temperature, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Alkalinity, and total acidity. The AFP unity showed an average efficiency of 83 and 42% for remooing CODT and total Nitrogen, respectively. The whole system operated with an average of 93, 84 and 85% of CODT, BOD5 and Total Volatile Solids, respectively.