Past, present and future of indigenous vegetables

Shanmugasundaram, S.
nutraceutical crops; amaranthus; okra; indigenous vegetables;
K9 [地理];
0705 ;
Vavilov (1935) described the primary and secondary centers of origin of cultivated plants after an extensive expedition around the world. In 1971, Jack Harlan proposed his own view and in 1992 refined his theory of origin of cultivated crops based on 'Biomes'. Different vegetable crops originated from different ecosystems. However, over the years due to the movement of human beings, animals, weather and wind currents, vegetable crops have moved into a variety of ecosystems. Nevertheless the wild progenitors of these vegetables could be found in their primary centers of origin. Agriculture changed from nomadic to subsistence and then to agribusiness and sophisticated 'pharming'. In the past decade or two, due to the rapid advances in science and technology, particularly in food, nutrition, health and biochemistry, human beings are more aware of health and longevity. Nutraceutical crops are getting recognition and they are mobilized globally for production and use. Pepper, chilies, tomatoes, crucifers have moved in the past. Currently, crops like okra, bitter gourd, moringa, amaranthus, ribbed gourd, cluster bean, mungbean are moving globally from their indigenous locations. International agricultural centers like AVRDC, IPGRI, ICRISAT, IFPRI are playing a pivotal role in this evolution. In the future, the current biotechnological research, computer and information technology, convenient fast foods and supermarkets will play a major role in bringing minor indigenous vegetables around the globe. Consumers' health consciousness will stimulate the agribusiness to move in this direction. The demand for nature-made medicines and pharmaceutical products will dictate the choice of crops. The demand for natural energy sources will hunt crops for biofuels. Presently the world is primarily concerned with conserving the biodiversity preservation of major food crops. It is extremely important to focus also to preserve the biodiversity of indigenous vegetables, which may not stand a chance to survive the onslaught of human development.
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