Cheese forms part of mankind's ancient cultural heritage. Having been the cradle of a number of different civilizations, Turkey is rather rich in terms of the diversity of its cheeses and is thought to possess over 110 varieties. The aim of this study was to bring together from amongst Anatolia's wealth of cheeses those belonging to the Aegean Region. In the research undertaken to this end, it was established that in the region there are 12 varieties of cheese, each one distinct from the next, namely: Koponesti Cheese, Tire amur Cheese, Izmir Teneke Tulum, Krktokmak Cheese, Armola Cheese, Kirlihanim Cheese, Kuru kelek Cheese, Posa Cheese, Sepet Cheese, Afyon Tulum, Karaburun Lor Goat's Cheese, and Kuru Ezme Cheese. In this article, the methods of production, physical structure, and appearance of the cheeses are discussed, together with some of their chemical and microbiological characteristics.