This review aims to bring together the types of cheese in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey and has identified some 20 distinct types of cheese. These are: imi Cheese, Kelle kelek Cheese, Ham kelek Cheese, Yrk Cheese, Surke Cheese, Carra Cheese, Sller Tuluk Cheese, Bez (Cloth) Kashar Cheese, Hellim Cheese, Nor Cheese, Yalva Kp Cheese, Parmak (Finger) Cheese, Snme Cheese, Hatay White Cheese, Ezme Cheese, Kelle Cheese, Testi Cheese, Stl (Milky) Cheese, and Stler Tortusu Cheese. The production, physical structure and appearance of these local cheeses and the chemical and microbiological properties of some of them will be presented.