Background. The management of lactation in preterm mothers is a real challenge for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) care, providers. The study aimed to evaluate the enablers and barriers for enteral feeding with mothers' own milk (MOM) in preterm very low birth weight (VLBW) infants in a tertiary care neonatal unit. Methods. This prospective observational study took place at a tertiary level NICU of a high-risk obstetric unit in a private hospital. All VLBW infants and mothers were incorporated into the study. Data on enablers and barriers were gathered from mother-baby dyads at the time of birth, at the end of the 7th day, and then weekly till the discharge of the baby from the unit. Results. We studied 87 mother-baby dyads. Mean (SD) maternal age, gestation age and birth weight were 29.3 (4.7) years, 30.8 (2.0) weeks, and 1196 (196) grams respectively. We categorized our data into 2 groups based on outcome estimates done during the entire hospital stay or pre-discharge (48 hours before the discharge). On comparison of perinatal and post-natal factors, the enablers were maternal dwelling from the rural locality, number of milk expression son day 1 after the birth, number of night expressions in the first week postnatally, and MOM volume till day 3, day 7, and 2 weeks postnatally. The enablers of MOM in the pre-discharge group were the number of expressions in the first 3 days, the number of night expressions in week 1, mother's visit, and the number of maternal visits on day 1 to NICU and MOM volume expressed from day 1 until the second week after birth. The main barriers for MOM (48 hours pre-discharge) were extremely low birth weight (ELBW) and intrauterine growth-restricted infants (IUGR). Conclusions. ELBW infants and IUGR infants are susceptible to low MOM feeding. The total of milk expressions in the first 3 days, number of night expressions in the first week, maternal visits on day 1 and the average MOM amount in the first 2 weeks are enablers for MOM feeding.