This paper is focused on review on development of technology and strengthening techniques of different part of Bridge by using Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC). With the advent of high-capacity machinery, new materials, new technologies and new management methods, we are now able to manufacture bridge assemblies and lifting them in position. The new structures can be described as the application of Accelerated construction, Rapid construction, Modular construction, Mechanized construction or Ready-made construction. The goal of ABC is to open a cost effective, long-lasting bridge to traffic with increased safety and reduced traffic disruption in a shortened construction period. Accelerated bridge construction majorly uses steel-concrete composite bridges with full depth precast decks which has two types of connections, shear connection between steel girder and precast deck, and transverse joint between precast panels. Longitudinal prestress is applied to prevent crack and water leakage to transverse joints, which otherwise would decrease the life of the bridge considerably. The post-tensioned connection currently used is effective in strengthening the transverse joint, but once this post-tensioning system is installed it makes it very difficult to replace individual deck sections that begin to fail. By proposing and evaluating the curved-bolt connection, which make the necessary posttensioning as well as make the deck replacement possible. Although the information presented in this paper is related to numerical as well as practical study.