Our quickly globalizing and rapidly changing world is marked by the economic and social interconnectedness, digitalization that penetrates all spheres of private and public life, issues related to the climate change and the rise of renewable energy sources, as well as such phenomena as microtargeting and spillover causation, is in need of leaders. These leaders can exist as real people, or they can be embedded into a plethora of concepts and ideas. On the one side, there is business that represents a practical side of things, on the other side, there is education that presents the theoretical side and provides fuel for business. Both sides should coexist in a sustainable symbiosis while providing novel ideas and figures that would become leaders and push the science and progress forward. This paper focuses on the entrepreneurial and academic leadership as observed from the point of view of the sustainable development. It provides some opening remarks and ideas that might ignite the wide debate on the future of leadership both in the academia and among the entrepreneurs.