Transforming ex-small scale mining land as farming areas for sustainable development and poverty alleviation

Nampa, I. W. [1 ,4 ]
Markus, J. E. R. [2 ,4 ]
Mudita, I. W. [2 ,4 ]
Natonis, R. L. [3 ]
Bunga, W. [2 ]
Kaho, N. R. [2 ]
[1] Nusa Cendana Univ, Fac Agr, Dept Agribusinesses, Kupang, Indonesia
[2] Nusa Cendana Univ, Fac Agr, Dept Agrotechnol, Kupang, Indonesia
[3] Agr & Estate Crop Serv, Nusa Tenggara Timur, East Nusa Tengg, Indonesia
[4] Nusa Cendana Univ, Ctr Excellent CoE Archipelag Dry Land Agr ALR, Kupang, Indonesia
S [农业科学];
09 ;
When the price of manganese ores in 2012, mining activities declined or even terminated. Ex-miners lose an important source of income, but they did not have any other alternative except going back to slash and burn cultivation, producing enough only for their own food. Their hope for a better live was gone and at the same time they faced stigmatisation as causing environmental degradation from the rest of the community. We carried out this case study to followex-miners in the Tubuhue village who organised themselves to do post-mining rehabilitation by turning the former mining site into an area of productive farming. In-depth interview, field observation and focus group discussion were conducted from 2015 to 2017. We found that during the period of mining boom, slash and burn cultivation decrease significantly but began to increase after no mining activities. Various social transformations took place along with this land use change, but the most important was the miners' decision to do mining as an organised activity. A strong leader of this organization played a pivotal role in turning the former mining site into an area of productive sedentary farming. This was carried out by organizing the ex-miners into farmers groups and together, constructing drip and sprinkler irrigation networks to water their crops using rain water collected in the mining holes that they had turned into small check-dams. The leader expected that this farming could provide an alternative for ex-miners to obtain cash income to limit them going back doing swidden farming.
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