Intraspinal tumours of cutaneous origin associated with various spinal dysraphisms have been well documented in the literature. However, the metachronous development of intra- and extra-medullary tumours in conjunction with dorsal meningocele is rare. The authors report a patient with a thoracic dorsal meningocele and congenital intradural extramedullary epidermoid tumour. The patient developed an intramedullary epidermoid growth 12 years later. Subtotal resection of the tumour predisposed to a later recurrence. Meningocele is not always an isolated clinical entity but the concurrent occult lesions are usually veiled by the more conspicuous surface anomaly. Thorough magnetic resonance imaging of the whole neural axis helps to identify associated pathologies. Delicate intradural exploration by a microsurgical approach is necessary to achieve appropriate treatment.