PURPOSE: To evaluate the imaging characteristics of an amorphous silicon flat-panel detector (FPD) for digital chest radiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The 41 x 41-cm digital FPD is constructed on a single monolithic glass substrate with a structured cesium iodide scintillator layer and an amorphous silicon thin-film transistor array for image readout. Basic imaging characteristics of the FPD and associated image processing system were assessed on acquired images, including linearity, repeatability, uniformity of response, modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum, detective quantum efficiency (DQE), contrast sensitivity, and scatter content. Results with the FPD system were compared to those with a storage phosphor computed radiography (CR) system. RESULTS: Images obtained with the FPD demonstrated excellent uniformity, repeatability, and linearity, as well as MTF and DQE that were superior to those with the storage phosphor CR system. The contrast and scatter content of images acquired with the FPD were equivalent to those acquired with the storage phosphor system. CONCLUSION: The FPD provides radiographic images with excellent inherent physical image quality.