In the adoption of new learning technologies (e.g., online, CD-ROMS) as alternative means of delivery for adult numeracy, high quality educational products, informed by a well-founded research base, are essential to benefit the individual student, and tutors/trainers (if any). Given that concept of adult numeracy itself is ill-defined and under-theorised in Australia, and that there are no entry standards for numeracy tutors/trainers, or even producers of resources, research is needed to synthesise a defensible definition of adult numeracy in the Australian context with evolving research on NLTs to guide producers and enable proper consumer evaluation. The discipline of mathematics has evolved historically through a dialogical relationship with technology. Internationally, studies have researched workplace mathematics (or numeracy) - that is, how mathematical ideas and techniques are used in practice, as distinct from in the school classroom. However, while much is known about principles of andragogy and of exemplary practice in mathematics education, in Australia there is a dearth of research-based knowledge about how to transform these principles into high-quality technologised educational products relevant to the needs of Australians as citizens and workers. This paper will explore recent research on these issues.