Objectiues: To describe the techniques and results of surgical reconstruction of glans penis lesions. Methods: Seventeen patients (mean age: 53.2 yr) were treated by resurfacing or reconstruction of the glans penis for, benign, premalignant and malignant penile lesions. The aetiology of the lesions was one Zoon's balanitis, four lichen sclerosus, one carcinoma in situ, five squamous cell carcinomas, and six squamous cell carcinomas associated with lichen sclerosus. Five cases were treated by glans skinning and resurfacing; five cases by glans amputation and reconstruction of the neoglans, and seven cases by partial penile amputation and reconstruction of the neoglans. Glans resurfacing and reconstruction were performed with the use of a skin graft harvested from the thigh. Results: The mean follow-up was 32 mo. All patients were free of local premalignant/malignant recurrence. Patients who underwent glans resurfacing reported glandular sensory restoration and complete sexual ability. Patients who underwent glansectomy or partial penectomy with neoglans reconstruction maintained sexual function and activity, although sensitivity was reduced as a consequence of glans/penile amputation. Conclusions: In selected cases of benign, premalignant or malignant penile lesions, glans resurfacing or reconstruction can ensure a normal appearing and functional penis, without jeopardizing cancer control. (c) 2007 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.