Social sustainability in management of publicly administrated natural resources requires good public participation methods which enables different views and goals to be taken into the planning process on the other hand and working systems to handle conflicting interests and to find out common largely accepted solutions on the other hand. Good function of these kinds of methods demand basic good information systems and effective use of public participation in co-operation. Increasing and often conflicting interests of natural resources should be managed together. To be able to create largely accepted solutions means wide collecting and delivery of information both in the planning process and in the implementation and follow up. Metsahallitus runs planning processes and usually makes final decisions, implements the plan and will arrange that co-operation continues also in the future when plans are evaluated together with stakeholders and the public. The public participation processes are usually at first designed by Metsahallitus specialists. In the first starting meetings the process is presented, discussed and changed if needed. Both public and interest groups are involved from the very beginning of the processes. Several different techniques are used, so that people would have some possibility to participate; open houses, information access points at the agency's customer service offices, public meetings, written comments opportunities, commenting opportunity via paid phone, employees personal contacts with individuals, delivered brochures and participation feedback forms. Public participation is advertised in the media, news and articles dealing with the process and possibility to participate. The brochures and other material clarify simplified way the process and everyone is able to participate and affect the plan. Nowadays co-operating groups representing local stakeholders play a key role in participation. These groups assess the current state of natural resources and their future management and use from different points of view. They also take a stand on the priority of various activities and various land use in the planning area during the planning period. The role of Metsahallitus has become more to organise the planning process, meetings and discussions between large group of interests.