A modular multiple thermal fluid generator is introduced to enhance heavy oil production, which consists of water treatment system, fuel injection system, air compressor, central burning and heat exchanging system, and measuring and controlling system. All the components are mounted in three separated light shelters, which are easy to be lifted and installed, especially on the offshore production platform. It could be operated under 350 celcius and 20 MPa, and the temperature and GWR (ratio of the volume of gas to the equivalent water volume of steam under standard conditions) could be adjusted by the water injection rate under the given heating capability of the central burning chamber. The temperature of the generated fluid is usually 200-300 celcius with GWR of 200-300 m(3)/m(3). Compared to conventional steam generator, such compact multiple thermal fluid generator is easy to be installed on the offshore oil production platform, and the generated multiple thermal fluid is potential to enhance heavy oil production in mechanisms of reducing heavy oil viscosity by both heating and injected gas, enlarging the heating reservoir chamber, and pressure by injected gas. In the past 10 years, the multiple thermal fluid generator has been applied to more than 40 wells in Bohai Offshore Oilfield and Xinjiang Oilfield in cyclic multiple thermal fluid stimulation (CMTFS in short) process. As a result, the multiple thermal fluid generators were operated soundly, and the heavy oil production of these wells was enhanced remarkably. (The oil production rate was 2-3 times more than cold production.)