Currently, the only apparent means to enhance the detection power of the TXRF technique would be to increase the intensity of the primary beam. Using synchrotron radiation, the most powerful X-ray source available, unfortunately, not only the fluorescence signal of the contaminant elements is increased, but also in equal measure, the intensities of the Si-K-alpha radiation from the wafer together with the scattered radiation. This results in an overloading of the energy-dispersive Si (Li) detector systems used hitherto, with the effect that the available primary intensity cannot be fully exploited. Wavelength-dispersive systems are free of such problems; they generate less detector background and can withstand higher count rates. Due to their small angle of acceptance, however, their detection efficiency is quite low. In this contribution we propose a wavelength-dispersive TXRF solution, which is optimized with regard to higher efficiency on the basis of large area multilayer mirrors in combination with a position-sensitive detector. The count rates in relation to energy-dispersive instruments and the energy resolution of the new system have been calculated using ray-tracing techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.