The motion of an organism swimming at low Reynolds number near an infinite straight wall with a finite-length gap is studied theoretically within the framework of a two-dimensional model. The swimmer is modelled as a point singularity of the Stokes equations dependent on a single real parameter. A dynamical system governing the position and orientation of the model swimmer is derived in analytical form. The dynamical system is studied in detail and a bifurcation analysis performed. The analysis reveals, inter alia, the presence of stable equilibrium points in the gap region as well as Hopf bifurcations to periodic bound states. The reduced-model system also exhibits a global gluing bifurcation in which two symmetric periodic orbits merge at a saddle point into symmetric 'figure-of-eight' bound states having more complex spatiotemporal structure. The additional effect of a background shear is also studied and is found to introduce new types of bound state. The analysis allows us to make theoretical predictions as to the possible behaviour of a low-Reynolds-number swimmer near a gap in a wall. It offers insights into the use of gaps or orifices as possible control devices for such swimmers in confined environments.