We offer a perspective on the literature discussing the importance of driving for youth, the complexities of learning to drive, and the risks of driving which lead to motor vehicle crashes (MVCs dagger). Specifically, we discuss important underlying reasons why some adolescents and young adults may be more susceptible to engaging in driving behaviors which result in fatal MVCs; the leading cause of death among 15 to 20 y/o. Some of the factors known to lead to crash fatalities span the domains of cognitive development, distraction, alcohol/drug use, psychosocial development and peer influence, and young driver inexperience. While advancements in driver training, traffic safety legislation, vehicle safety engineering, and emergency/trauma care have helped reduce the prevalence of crashes, we suggest that natural brain maturation which occurs during adolescence and young adulthood may hold unique susceptibilities for young driver crashes. As such, we discuss the importance in using a multidisciplinary research approach, and specifically neuroscience methods, to develop a more compressive understanding of crash risk factors among young drivers. By using a multidisciplinary approach when studying young drivers, we can advance the injury and prevention science as well as inform relevant policies, innovative technologies, comprehensive training and intervention programs which will develop safer young drivers sooner.