By the successful marketing strategy enterprises may influence many of the factors determining the purchase of products and services. However, the question arises as to the relationship between the applied marketing strategy and the competition in terms of loyalty and customer loyalty to the brand. It can be argued that success depends not only on the performance of the company, but also on building customer loyalty to the brand through a suitably chosen and applied communication policy using emotional appeal. The use of an emotional appeal in a customer-driven marketing strategy can provide the company with a sustainable competitive advantage and strengthen customer loyalty to the brand. The contribution is subject to analysis and processing of John Lewis data and information. Main objective of this report is to select and apply strategic frameworks based on the theoretical backgrounds of marketing strategy, linking all relevant and available information to John Lewis's marketing strategy. The key to defining the strategy is the analytical part that, based on theoretical knowledge, scientific articles, and other relevant resources, that identifies the success of John Lewis's marketing strategy with the use of an emotional appeal aimed at influencing customers' shopping behavior during Christmas holiday season and then joining its generalization. The report also includes a discussion which provides information on the possible use and application of the chosen strategy, including the identification of risks and limitations that may negatively affect its course and implementation.