The solution of optimal control problems (OCPs) becomes a challenging task when the analyzed system includes non-convex, nondifferentiable, or equation-free models in the set of constraints. To solve OCPs under such conditions, a new procedure, LARES-PR, is proposed. The procedure is based on integrating the LARES algorithm with a generalized representation of the control function. LARES is a global stochastic optimization algorithm based on the artificial chemical process paradigm. The generalized representation of the control function consists of variable-length segments, which permits the use of a combination of different types of finite elements (linear, quadratic, etc.) and/or specialized functions. The functional form and corresponding parameters are determined element-wise by solving a combinatorial optimization problem. The element size is also determined as part of the solution of the optimization problem, using a novel two-step encoding strategy. These building blocks result in an algorithm that is flexible and robust in solving optimal control problems. Furthermore, implementation is very simple. The algorithm's performance is studied with a challenging set of benchmark problems. Then LARES-PR is utilized to solve optimal control problems of systems described by population balance equations, including crystallization, nano-particle formation by nucleation/coalescence mechanism, and competitive reactions in a disperse system modeled by the Monte Carlo method. The algorithm is also applied to solving the DICE model of global warming, a complex discrete-time model. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.