Context Software defect prediction is a trending research topic, and a wide variety of the published papers focus on coding phase or after. A limited number of papers, however, includes the prior (early) phases of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Objective: The goal of this study is to obtain a general view of the characteristics and usefulness of Early Software Defect Prediction (ESDP) models reported in scientific literature. Method: A systematic mapping and systematic literature review study has been conducted. We searched for the studies reported between 2000 and 2016. We reviewed 52 studies and analyzed the trend and demographics, maturity of state-of-research, in-depth characteristics, success and benefits of ESDP models. Results: We found that categorical models that rely on requirement and design phase metrics, and few continuous models including metrics from requirements phase are very successful. We also found that most studies reported qualitative benefits of using ESDP models. Conclusion: We have highlighted the most preferred prediction methods, metrics, datasets and performance evaluation methods, as well as the addressed SDLC phases. We expect the results will be useful for software teams by guiding them to use early predictors effectively in practice, and for researchers in directing their future efforts.