The policy of countering terrorism in Indonesia is carried out through hard power (namely law enforcement) and soft power (in the form of counter-radicalism and de-radicalization). The deradicalization program of terrorism carried out by the Indonesian government, especially the National Counterterrorism Agency, has been running less than optimally, with indicators of the many acts of terrorism occurring in Indonesian territory. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the pentahelix model in the terrorism deradicalization program in Indonesia, which involves five parties, namely academics, business, community, government, and the media (ABCGM). The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, with data interview techniques in the form of interviews and literature studies. The results showed that the less than optimal de-radicalization program of terrorism in Indonesia was caused by the absence of business actors (business community) and the media. So far, only the government, academia, and society have been involved, even though important business groups are involved in providing funds through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to former terrorists for business capital, while the media is also very important in creating anti-radicalism and anti-terrorism narratives in print, electronic, online, and social media. The conclusion is that the pentahelix model is very suitable to be applied in the deradicalization program. Therefore, this study provides suggestions for implementing the pentahelix model in the terrorism deradicalization program in Indonesia.