Background / Objectives This contribution brings the first results of a research project realized from IV/2012 till XII/2015, which aim is to fill in the gap of Czech norms (respecting age and education) of neuropsychological methods for assessment of cognitive functions of older persons and to develop an original short screening battery for early diagnosis of cognitive impairment in older population. Methods In the first phase, across-sectional part, we have already results from 170 people (75 male, 95 female) out of planned 560. Applied methods: Mini Mental State Examination - MMSE, Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA, Philadelphia Verbal Learning Test - PVLT, Geriatric Scale of Depression GDS15, Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ-CZ) and others. Results / Discussion The sample includes people in the age of 60 and older without diagnosed or suspected neurodegenerative disease. Mean age is 73 years (minimum 60, maximum 90). Mean years of education are 13 (minimum 8, maximum 28). Results of descriptive statistics (mean +/- standard deviation) are in agreement with international data (MMSE = 27,8 +/- 1,9, MoCA = 24,8 +/- 3,1, GDS15 = 2,3 +/- 2,5, FAQ CZ = 1,4 +/- 2,5). Pilot outcomes show by the way that there is the significant correlation between age and the results of cognitive tests, which proves the correct stratification according the age.