The author of this text agrees with A.V. Smirnov's idea that the Reason is not only unified, but at the same time is manifold, that there are different types of rationality and with his thesis that beside substantialist ontology, popular since Aristotle, another ontology is possible: processual one. The latter is important for understanding a lot of revolutionary conceptions in contemporary science: the theory of complex and self-developing systems, the idea of global evolutionism, the theory of autopoesis in biology and cognitive science, the inactivist approach in cognitive studies etc. It is possible that the processual ontology is specific for some conceptions in non- European philosophy. But different types of rationality have a certain common ground: elementary logical operations deduction, induction, analogy, analysis, synthesis, classification, and also such categories, as causality, quality, quantity, possibility, reality etc. In this connection the author doesn't share A.V. Smirnov's idea that processual metaphysics influences the structure of elementary logical operations, in particular, apodictic inference.