Resistance to breakage is a desirable trait of the rice kernel. Many factors, such as the genetics of the cultivar, the plant growth environment and the conditions of the milling process, will affect kernel breakage. Although many papers have discussed the factors that may affect and improve rice milling quality, few have related the grain-filling process to head rice, the unbroken polished kernels obtained after milling. The objectives of this paper were: (i) to characterize the interrelationships amongst grain filling and grain structural characteristics, (ii) to determine whether the grain-filling process and grain characteristics affect head rice, and (iii) to suggest a pathway through which grain characteristics can influence head rice recovery. An analysis of the interrelationships amongst all grain characteristics suggested that variables of grain structure (size, volume and per cent hull) have a decisive influence on the grain-filling process (rate and duration of grain filling). The grain-filling process will affect final grain traits such as weight and density, which in turn will have a direct impact on head rice. In addition, non-uniformity, whether expressed in terms of variable grain size and shape or grain filling and maturity, has a detrimental effect on rice milling quality. The implication of these Endings is that rice breeders need to pay more attention to selecting plant types that have a high degree of uniformity of grain characteristics on the panicle, and to those traits (such as greater grain size, weight and density) that have a positive impact on yield and milling quality.