共 21 条
Development of high intensity laser-electron photon beams up to 2.9 GeV at the SPring-8 LEPS beamline
Muramatsu, N.
Kon, Y.
Date, S.
Ohashi, Y.
Akimune, H.
Chen, J. Y.
Fujiwara, M.
Hasegawa, S.
Hotta, T.
Ishikawa, T.
Iwata, T.
Kato, Y.
Kohri, H.
Matsumura, T.
Mibe, T.
Miyachi, Y.
Morino, Y.
Nakano, T.
Nakatsugawa, Y.
Ohkuma, H.
Ohta, T.
Oka, M.
Sawada, T.
Wakai, A.
Yonehara, K.
Yoon, C. J.
Yorita, T.
Yosoi, M.
[1] Tohoku Univ, Res Ctr Electron Photon Sci, Sendai, Miyagi 9820826, Japan
[2] Osaka Univ, Nucl Phys Res Ctr, Ibaraki, Osaka 5670047, Japan
[3] Japan Synchrotron Radiat Res Inst, Sayo, Hyogo 6795143, Japan
[4] Konan Univ, Dept Phys, Kobe, Hyogo 6588501, Japan
[5] Japan Atom Energy Agcy, J PARC Ctr, Tokai, Ibaraki 3191195, Japan
[6] Yamagata Univ, Dept Phys, Yamagata 9908560, Japan
[7] Nagoya Univ, Dept Phys, Nagoya, Aichi 4648602, Japan
[8] Natl Def Acad Japan, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 2398686, Japan
[9] KEK, High Energy Accelerator Res Org, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3050801, Japan
[10] Akita Res Inst Brain & Blood Vessels, Akita 0100874, Japan
[11] IIT, Chicago, IL 60616 USA
Laser-Compton backscattering;
High energy photons;
High intensity beam;
Electron storage ring;
Hadron photoproduction experiment;
D O I:
TH7 [仪器、仪表];
0804 ;
080401 ;
081102 ;
A laser-Compton backscattering beam, which we call a 'Laser-Electron Photon' beam, was upgraded at the LEPS beamline of SPring-8. We accomplished the gains in backscattered photon beam intensities by factors of 1.5-1.8 with the injection of two adjacent laser beams or a higher power laser beam into the storage ring. The maximum energy of the photon beam was also extended from 2.4 GeV to 2.9 GeV with deep-ultraviolet lasers. The upgraded beams have been utilized for hadron photoproduction experiments at the LEPS beamline. Based on the developed methods, we plan he simultaneous injection of four high power laser beams at the LEPS2 beamline, which has been newly constructed at SPring-8. As a simulation result we expect an order of magnitude higher intensities close to 10(7) s(-1) and 10(6) s(-1) for tagged photons up to 2.4 GeV and 2.9 GeV, respectively. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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