Purpose: A diagnosis of breast cancer is one of the most traumatic events that threatens a woman's life, but while women adapt to and overcome these threats, they not only experience negative aspects, but also growth. The purpose of this study was to identify the many factors that affect growth, and to provide fundamental information for nursing interventions, which can help the women in their growth. Methods: The participants in this study were 131 married women patients with breast cancer, who were on medical treatment in one of two university hospitals, in Seoul and Chungnam. Data were collected for posttraumatic growth, self-esteem, cancer coping questionnaire, marital intimacy, and body image. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 19.0 program (IBM). Results: Interpersonal cancer coping, intrapersonal cancer coping (planning) and self-esteem accounted for 29.0% of posttraumatic growth. Conclusion: These findings indicate that in order to help the women's growth after the trauma of breast cancer, it is necessary to enhance their self-esteem, and to develop psycho-social nursing supportive programs.