Since 2008, we take part in a pilot project on B-learning applied to the degree in Criminology at the University of Alicante. This meant that the number of on campus lessons was drastically reduced, increasing the distance learning hours. As a result, the curricular design of the course Criminal Policy had to be completely and thoroughly reformed. In order to fully grasp the final structure and methodology of the course, a set of preconditions need to be pointed out. Criminal Policy (Politica Criminal) is currently a 6 credits (60 hours) course, included in the second year of the degree in Criminology. Due to the necessary adaptation to the European Space of Superior Education, it is designed as a 7 ECTS course. The goal of the course is to enhance critical analysis of current criminal policies applied in modern societies. The new conditions according to the B-learning project were the following: On campus classes were reduced to 50% (2 hours per week, one semester); Number of students was 45 per group; on-line classes should not be understood as mere "homework", but should be devised as real classes, where the students actively learn, taking advantage of new technologies. The University of Alicante provides a unique platform for this kind of on-line experiences, called Campus Virtual, which resembles in many aspects to Moodle. Taking these aspects into account, the course was designed in the following 6 didactic units: 0. Presentation: overview of the course, methodology, grading system, useful information, etc; 1. The concept of Criminal Policy (introductory unit); 2. The methodological problem; 3. Criminal policy limits; 4. Current trends; 5. Materialization of modern criminal policies in Spain. Each of the units includes reading material, online and on campus activities, discussion, as well as online tests to revise the basic concepts learnt. Additionally 2 cinema sessions were carried out, in which students could watch online fragments of films and debate about the aspects related to the course as appearing in the film. The experience has so far been very positive. Advantages: the techniques applied encourage active learning and increase the student's motivation. Feedback is sufficiently ensured. Downsides: every detail must be carefully thought as a mistake can raise 80 consults asking for clarification! A great amount of time is needed to correct and perform necessary follow-up of every students; this requires a high degree of organization in the port-folio, as the final result would be that each students has a minimum of 8 to 10 marks. Technology can sometimes appear as an obstacle, particularly when it fails.