Purpose. The design and implementation of pharmacist-directed preventive care services within a university-based, employee health and wellness clinic are described. Summary. Ohio Northern University (ONU) HealthWise is a multidisciplinary employee health and wellness clinic located on the campus of ONU that offers medication therapy management, disease management, nutrition counseling, and physical wellness coaching services. A pharmacist-directed preventive care program based on recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) was designed for incorporation into the clinic. Using an electronic search tool provided by USPSTF, pharmacists are able to provide a review of recommended preventive services that are appropriate for each individual patient. Whenever possible, pharmacists within the clinic perform the screenings and other interventions that are recommended by USPSTF; when necessary, patients are referred to other health care providers to receive recommended interventions. To date, nine patients have participated in the preventive care program. For these nine patients 112 recommendations have been reviewed by pharmacists in the clinic. Of these, 16 were found to be inappropriate after further discussion with the patients and 36 were verified as already completed by the patient, resulting in a total of 60 unmet recommendations. Of these 60, 52 recommendations were met through interventions by the pharmacist in the clinic, while 5 possible screenings were declined by patients and 3 unmet recommendations required referral to a provider outside of the clinic. Conclusion. A pharmacist-directed preventive care service offered within an employee health clinic helped ensure that employees receive appropriate screenings and preventive care according to current guidelines. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2012; 69:1513-8