Internally contracted multireference coupled cluster (ic-MRCC) methods with perturbative treatment of triple excitations are formulated based on Dyall's definition of a zeroth-order Hamiltonian. The iterative models ic-MRCCSDT-1, ic-MRCC3, and their variants ic-MRCCSD(T), ic-MRCC(3) which determine the energy correction from triples by a non-iterative step are consistent in the single-reference limit with CCSDT-1a, CC3, CCSD(T), and CC(3), respectively. Numerical tests on the potential energy surfaces of BeH2, H2O, and N-2 as well as on the structure and harmonic vibrational frequencies of the ozone molecule show that these methods account very well for higher order correlation effects. The ic-MRCCSD(T) method is further applied to the geometry optimization and harmonic frequencies of the symmetric vibrational modes of the binuclear transition metal oxide Ni2O2, to the singlet-triplet splittings of o-, m-, and p-benzyne and to a ring-opening reaction of an azirine compound with the molecular formula C6H7NO. The size of the active spaces used in this study ranges from CAS(2,2) to CAS(8,8). Comparisons of results based on differently sized active spaces indicate that the ic-MRCCSD(T) method provides a highly accurate and efficient treatment of both static and dynamic electron correlation in connection with minimal active spaces. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. []